August 25, 2019 the Delaware Valley Art Therapy Association transitioned to the Pennsylvania Art Therapy Association. This transition was a way to support licensure in Pennsylvania as well as create an environment of inclusion for all art therapists throughout the state of Pennsylvania. But we will never forget our roots in and the amazing art therapists who build the foundation for our chapter. This page is a way to honor those people as well as take a stroll down memory lane.
2015- The Pennsylvania Art Therapy Licensure Council (PAATLC) began in 2015 as a sub-committee of the Delaware Valley Art Therapy Association. PAATLC was created as a resource for Pennsylvania Art Therapists to organize efforts for the pursuit of an independent professional art therapy license in the State of Pennsylvania.
In 1981, the concept of a “cookbook of well-known art therapists” later entitled The Artful Cuisine was developed as fundraising project. The cookbook was sold for $8 at the Art Therapy Conference in 1982.